The Fighting Nightingales

I was asked recently to produce a logo for a band. But not just any band. The Fighting Nightingales!
“The Fighting Nightingales consists of two brothers and one father.
Father Nightingale (Pete) is an experienced jazz drummer who plays a uniquely cannibalised, customised kit fashioned from the resurrected remains of dead and unwanted drums and cymbals.
Brother Nightingale No 1 (Mark) is the master of the mysterious twelve-string Stick; part guitar, part bass, part laboratory of strange and exotic sounds.
Brother Nightingale No 2 (Adam) has no obvious musical ability whatsoever, bringing instead eccentric spoken word storytelling to the table, scored to the music of Stick and drum.
Together we form The Fighting Nightingales.
Join us for a world of jazz, funk, progressive jazz/funk, chit chat and tall tales set to strange music.”
I put together the initial logo design and sent it to the client. Rightly so they wanted something more dynamic and action packed.
A slight redesign and we were good to go full speed!!
Sketched on paper and then moved onto the computer. I used Manga Studio for the pencils and inks and then into Photoshop for the colouring.
Lots of fun and the guys were thankfully really pleased with the end design.
If you need a fun, cartoon logo or design work, please contact us.