Social Media

Social Media!
People tend to fall into two camps, the ‘I love Social Media’ and the ‘I don’t get it’s’, to be honest here at Piddley Pix we fall into the first camp!
We have met many awesome people, seen great things and found fab things to buy through places like twitter and facebook!
So we thought we would share, where you can find us!
A place to connect with friends, talk about stuff you like and for us to showcase new products! We would love it if you would join us, come and tell us about what you like and what you would like to see from us!
You will see us day to day on Twitter, the account is run by two of us, so sometimes may be confusing to which of us you are talking to! So, we are introducing a way to recognise us. So all our tweets will end in KB for Kev the Artist and KL for Kel the brains!
Please chat to us, we’ll get lonely otherwise!
We are relatively new to Google + so please visit us and show us the ropes
Look forward to chatting with you!