
Greetings all. Just wanted to let you all know what we’ve been up to.
To begin, let’s start where we last left off: Thought Bubble…
Not really sure what to tell you all…BUT, it REALLY helped me get some things sorted for the next Nerd Fest Comic Con in Nottingham!! I had a great laugh with my brother and it was good to network with other artists I knew from NF and with some new ones! I also came away with a new collaboration project that I’ll tell you more about in due course, but it’s gonna be awesome!
I’ve now sent it to my editor (the missus) and hopefully it all makes sense and should be ready to go in January. It’s a good bit of fun with action and adventure following two “super” sleuths on the trail of a stolen artefact.
Up and Coming Projects
We as Piddley Pix are working on a short kiddies book. Written by Kel and illustrated by me (Kev). It’s in it’s early stages at the min. I’ve just thumbnailed the pages out and need to go back to the writer for feedback. Keep ’em peeled.
I’ve also just planned out a new 28 page comic book anthology that has 5-6 short comic book stories as well as some single page pinups. Very excited to keep getting these projects out to you all and seeing what you think.
The Monkey and the Mouse Graphic Novel
The first draft is well underway and I should hit my January deadline…
PHEW!!! Is that enough news for everyone?
Just wanted to direct you to Jabberworks and Sarah McIntyre who’s site has inspired me no end, esp her FAQ page. Take a look!!