Deal of the Week

It has come the time to launch our first Deal of the Week Competition! Now we have the new website and new products, we thought it would be nice to share our excitement by offering you the chance to win a Tshirt!
So, we are offering one of our Cupcake Tshirt. So if you fancy winning one for you, your mum, sister, daughter or friend follow the below instructions to enter.
Do one or more of the following to earn up to three entries
1. Send an email to with ‘Cupcake Competition’ in the subject and your name and address
2. Follow us on Twitter and Tweet ‘ I want to win an awesome cupcake tshirt from @PiddleyPix #PiddleyPixCupcake ‘
3. Like us on Facebook and post on our wall ‘visiting from the blog and I love Cupcakes!’
Terms: Competition ends 1st March 2013 at 6pm GMT, judges decision is final.
*Update: Our winner is…..Anna Tomlinson, congratulations!!!