Cheerio 2014 and Greetings 2015!

So what happened in 2014 to Piddley Pix and Kev Brett Cartoons??
Let’s begin at the beginning…
The year started out with an experimental comic called Elementary? which was done in a way I’d never done before, in the fact that there was no real script and I drew the book as I went along. It was a great exercise and learning experience and produced, what I think, is a fun little book. (you can read it all FREE here!)
I also had a table at only my 3rd ever con, Sci Fi Scarborough which was a lot of fun and helped me in preparation for Nottingham Comic Con 2014 (more below).
I worked on a short story for Haylestorm Comics and their Dark House Anthology which, again, was something new for me. I’d only ever drawn my own stories and so to get a script from someone else writing in a totally different way from mine was great and the book turned out awesome.
Later into the year I, as well as Mike Barnes, Mike Jackson and Kel Winser, released an anthology book MK2. We each wrote a short story for one of the other guys to draw. It’s a SciFi and Fantasy book and was so awesome to see happen and be a part of. I’d love to work with these guys again, so keep ’em peeled…(plus go pick up your copy here).
In October we put on our second Nottingham Comic Con (previously known as Nerd Fest) and had such an amazing time. It was a lot of hard work but great fun and we feel it trumped (hehehe) the year before. The new venue was amazing and the talent on display was so humbling. Plans are afoot for 2015!!
Towards the end of 2014 we went to MCM Birmingham for a 2 day con and had a blast. It was a family weekend away and great fun. Already looking at 2015 cons to visit.
So what does 2015 hold in store???
Well at the minute I’m working on colour flats (simple flat colours) for the amazing Michael Regina and his awesome Adamsville series. I worked with him on book 1 and we’re well into book 2.
I’ve also written and thumb nailed a 50 pg ish comic that I plan to do as a full colour book (my first full colour!!) and post for you here on the site. I’m also hoping to start on my TMTM graphic novel this year as I’m still so excited to get it done (which is a good sign as I usually get bored of things quickly!). I also plan to start on a few other ideas I have.
I’m so close to hitting 200 strips of my The Monkey and the Mouse comic and I’m looking forward to working towards that 250 mark. You can go and read them all here.
AND of course there’s Nottingham Comic Con 2015! Got some big names in the comic industry lined up and really excited to share more in the months ahead ready for the big day on 24th October. Go check out the NCC site here.
So there you have it. Loads done in 2014, more planned for 2015. I hope to update the blog more this year, but you can also follow me on various social media sites:
Twitter: @kev_brett
Facebook: /KevBrettArt
Instagram: kev_brett