Author Archives: kev_brett
I love this page 🙂 Plus, for all you artists out there, a little cry for help. A friend of mine is raising money for Cancer Research and is looking for art donations, PLEASE check it out over on his […]
Now that’s an army!!! I’ve been busy with a few personal commissions and projects that I’m going to fit in on the blog between pages, so should have something for you tomorrow…
Assemble the Army!!!!!!! So my graphic novel, draft number 02 is done and done. It has been sent to my trusted editors…we’ll see what comes back. On a personal note, I’m about to start a new internship next week. A […]
Morning all. New week and a new page is upon us. In other news, I’ve been working on my graphic novel script recently. The second draft is almost done, just some dialogue tweaks and then I’ll send it off out […]
Hope you’re enjoying the comic 🙂 In Other news, the new potential venue for Nerd Fest 2 is AWESOME!!!!! Will fill you in with more details soon…
Ooooo mysterious!! Big day today. As last year’s Nerd Fest Comic Con was such a big success, we’ve decided to do it again this year!!!! Today we go check out a new, bigger venue in the centre of Nottingham city!!!! […]
Monday morning and a new comic page!!! Wooooo! Hope you’re enjoying Elementary? so far. Things are starting to really pick up now and the plot thickens. In other news I’ve just finished writing my first draft of my debut graphic […]
It’s Friday and it’s time for more Elementary? I hope you’re enjoying the comic, please spread the word and if you’re on Twitter, come say hello here or alternatively if you’re on Facebook – here.
Enter the bad guys…!!!